Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
RESTful Architecture
Application Programming Interface (API)
12 Years Experience

Delivered Cloud based SaaS product of Serosoft for Global EduTech industry, built on SOA and RESTful architectures. Developed, maintained and supported this product for Student Information System management for schools, colleges and universities across the globe.

Delivered Cloud based SaaS / DaaS products suite of True Influence for Global Digital Marketing industry, built on SOA and RESTful architectures. Developed this products suite for Market Intelligence, Account Based Marketing (ABM) and Content Syndicated Lead Management.

Delivered Cloud based SaaS products suite of Edifecs Technologies for US Healthcare industry, built on SOA and RESTful architectures. Applied Distributed Computing architecture for improving performance and implementing High Availability and Scalability of products suite. Developed this products suite for US Healthcare Transaction Test Management that was critical for healthcare insurance policy design decision mechanism.

Delivered SCM (Supply Chain Management) products suite of JDA Software (now Blue Yonder; formerly Manugistics) applying SOA and Distributed Computing architectures. Developed this products suite for  “Optimized  Supply Chain Planning” for Global Manufacturing and Retail industries

Distributed Computing - 5 Years Experience

Delivered Cloud based SaaS products suite of Edifecs Technologies for USA Healthcare industry applying Distributed Computing, SOA and REST/API architectures. Built on Distributed Computing for improving performance and implementing High Availability and Scalability of products suite. Developed this products suite for US Healthcare Transaction Test Management that was critical for healthcare insurance policy design decision mechanism.

Delivered ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and SCM (Supply Chain Management) products suite of JDA Software (now Blue Yonder; formerly Manugistics) applying SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and Distributed Computing architectures. Developed this products suite for “Contract Manufacturing”, “Sequencing” and “Optimized Supply Chain Planning” for Global Manufacturing and Retail industries.

Publish/Subscribe Event-Broker Request/Response
5 Years Experience

Delivered Application Development and Management (ADM) program, of Accenture, of Derivatives Trading applications suite for Investment Banker JP Morgan Chase – UK, was built on Process Driven and Peer-To-Peer architecture; where Inter Process Communication (IPC) mechanism among Technological Framework and Business Applications were implemented applying Publish / Subscribe and Event-Broker architectures. This processes’ gamut was connected through IBM Middleware Technology with two ends of the Trading System – up-stream trading desk and down-stream reporting system. Technologies used – IBM MQ Series, Unix, C/C++, Java, Sybase, T-SQL, Shell Script, ClearCase, IBM Rational.

Worked on Application Development (AD) program of Deloitte Consulting for World’s Largest E-Governance applications suite for automating California (USA) State Government Welfare System, built on 5-tier Client/Server architecture – front-end UI, middleware server, business server, data access server and back-end database server. Middleware server was built on Tuxedo Request/Response architecture. Technologies used – Windows, PowerBuilder, UNIX, Tuxedo, C/C++, COBOL, Oracle, PL-SQL, Pro*C, Pro*COBOL.